The Phantom Luncheon – by Saki (H.H. Munro MCQs Quiz | Questions and Answers

13 Min Read

1. What does the term ‘Phantom’ refer to in the context of the story?

A. A mysterious occurrence

B. A real event

C. An imaginative or fictional event

D. A supernatural phenomenon

Answer: An imaginative or fictional event (C)

The story is about an imaginary or fictional luncheon.

2. What is the occupation of Sir James in the story?

A. A writer

B. A businessman

C. A philanthropist

D. A politician

Answer: A politician (D)

Sir James is a respectable and wealthy man in society who takes favors and uses his influence to win votes.

3. Why does Sir James want his wife to invite the Smithly Dubb sisters for lunch?

A. Because they can help him win votes

B. Because they are wealthy

C. Because they are old friends

D. Because they are influential in society

Answer: Because they can help him win votes (A)

Sir James wants to keep them happy as their influence in committees helps him win votes.

4. What is the attitude of Lady Drakmanton towards the Smithly Dubb sisters?

A. She is fond of them

B. She is jealous of them

C. She finds them greedy and difficult to tolerate

D. She is indifferent towards them

Answer: She finds them greedy and difficult to tolerate (C)

Lady Drakmanton finds them greedy and always looking for opportunities to be invited by others for expensive meals.

5. Who does Lady Drakmanton try to pass off the task of entertaining the Smithly Dubb sisters to?

A. Her servant

B. Her sister, Milly

C. Her husband, Sir James

D. Her best friend

Answer: Her sister, Milly (B)

Lady Drakmanton tries to pass off the task to her sister Milly.

6. Where does Milly inform Lady Drakmanton she had lunch on the same day?

A. A high-class restaurant

B. Carlton

C. A cafe

D. A club

Answer: Carlton (B)

Milly informs Lady Drakmanton she had lunch at Carlton the same day.

7. What plan does Lady Drakmanton come up with after talking to Milly?

A. To avoid them altogether

B. To transform Milly into herself and meet the sisters at a club

C. To invite the Smithly Dubb sisters to a six-course meal

D. To send them a gift basket

Answer: To transform Milly into herself and meet the sisters at a club (B)

Lady Drakmanton comes up with the plan to transform Milly into herself and meet the sisters at a club.

8. What do the three sisters talk about during lunch?

A. Fashion

B. Food

C. Politics

D. Travel

Answer: Politics (C)

The three sisters talk about politics during lunch.

9. What is the tone of the story ‘The Phantom Luncheon’?

A. Romantic and emotional

B. Serious and solemn

C. Humorous and satirical

D. Mysterious and suspenseful

Answer: Humorous and satirical (C)

The story is known for its humorous satire.

10. What is the author of the story ‘The Phantom Luncheon’ known for?

A. His poetry

B. His humorous satires

C. His romantic novels

D. His historical fiction

Answer: His humorous satires (B)

Saki is known for his humorous satires.

11. What was Lady Drakmanton’s initial response to the sisters’ topic about politics?

A. She started arguing with the sisters about the topic

B. She changed the subject to a different topic

C. She showed great interest and started discussing it

D. She confidently told that she was hardly interested in politics

Answer: She confidently told that she was hardly interested in politics (D)

Lady Drakmanton’s initial response to the sisters’ topic about politics was a key aspect of the story.

12. Why did the sisters try to make Lady Drakmanton remember her identity?

A. They wanted to expose her as an imposter

B. They wanted to get rid of her

C. They indirectly pointed towards the responsibility of paying the bill

D. They wanted to make her pay the bill

Answer: They indirectly pointed towards the responsibility of paying the bill (C)

The sisters’ intention behind trying to make Lady Drakmanton remember her identity was to subtly hint at who should pay the bill.

13. What was Ellen Niggle’s occupation?

A. She was a part of Ladies’ Brass Polishing Guild

B. She was a politician

C. She was a businesswoman

D. She was a teacher

Answer: She was a part of Ladies’ Brass Polishing Guild (A)

Ellen Niggle’s occupation was revealed when she remembered her identity.

14. Why did Ellen Niggle forget her identity?

A. She had a medical condition

B. She was shocked by the bill amount

C. She was tired from her work

D. The expensive food and wine took away her memory

Answer: The expensive food and wine took away her memory (D)

Ellen Niggle’s memory loss was caused by the luxurious food and wine at the restaurant.

15. What did the Smithly Dubbs predominantly do before Lady Drakmanton’s prank?

A. They helped the poor

B. They were involved in politics

C. They spent huge amounts to display their wealth

D. They did good for the society

Answer: They spent huge amounts to display their wealth (C)

The Smithly Dubbs were known for showing off their wealth before Lady Drakmanton’s prank.

16. What did Lady Drakmanton and her sister Milly achieve through their prank?

A. They got a lot of attention from the society

B. They taught the Smithly Dubbs a lesson about social class

C. They got revenge on the Smithly Dubbs

D. They became friends with the Smithly Dubbs

Answer: They taught the Smithly Dubbs a lesson about social class (B)

The prank played by Lady Drakmanton and her sister Milly had a significant impact on the Smithly Dubbs.

17. Why was it intolerable for the Smithly Dubbs to invite a middle-class person to their social circle?

A. They were too proud of their wealth

B. They were afraid of being criticized

C. They were worried about their reputation

D. They were not used to interacting with people from different social classes

Answer: They were too proud of their wealth (A)

The Smithly Dubbs’ pride in their wealth made it difficult for them to accept someone from a lower social class into their circle.

18. What was the real identity of the person who had lunch with the Smithly Dubbs?

A. Ellen Niggle

B. Lady Drakmanton

C. Milly

D. One of the sisters

Answer: Ellen Niggle (A)

The person who had lunch with the Smithly Dubbs was eventually revealed to be Ellen Niggle.

19. What did Ellen Niggle do after remembering her identity?

A. She started crying

B. She argued with the Smithly Dubbs

C. She thanked them and left for her work

D. She apologized to the Smithly Dubbs

Answer: She thanked them and left for her work (C)

Ellen Niggle’s reaction after remembering her identity was polite and gracious.

20. What did the Smithly Dubbs start doing after the incident?

A. They became more careful about who they invited to their social circle

B. They stopped attending social gatherings

C. They continued to show off their wealth

D. They started doing good for the society

Answer: They started doing good for the society (D)

The incident had a positive impact on the Smithly Dubbs, leading them to change their ways.

21. What is the purpose of Sir James’s advice to his wife to invite the Smithly Dubbs to lunch?

A. To impress them with his wife’s cooking skills

B. To introduce them to other affluent members of society

C. To gain their votes and support in committees

D. To show off his wealth and influence

Answer: To gain their votes and support in committees (C)

Sir James tries to use his connections to gain an advantage in his political endeavors.

22. How does Lady Drakmanton describe the Smithly Dubbs’ behavior?

A. As shy and introverted

B. As avaricious and always searching for opportunities to accept expensive invitations

C. As passionate about politics and social change

D. As generous and kind-hearted

Answer: As avaricious and always searching for opportunities to accept expensive invitations (B)

Lady Drakmanton has a negative view of the Smithly Dubbs and their motivations.

23. What is Lady Drakmanton’s attitude towards hosting luncheons for affluent members of society?

A. She is indifferent to hosting them and only does it out of obligation

B. She resents hosting them and finds it a burden

C. She enjoys hosting them and finds it fulfilling

D. She has mixed feelings about hosting them, but does it to maintain social connections

Answer: She has mixed feelings about hosting them, but does it to maintain social connections (D)

Lady Drakmanton has a complex view of hosting luncheons and does it to maintain social connections.

24. What does Lady Drakmanton accuse her sister Milly of doing?

A. Convincing her to host the Smithly Dubbs for lunch

B. Trying to take credit for her idea

C. Not being supportive of her

D. Trying to sabotage her marriage

Answer: Convincing her to host the Smithly Dubbs for lunch (A)

Lady Drakmanton tries to shift the blame to her sister Milly.

25. What is the tone of the conversation between Sir James and Lady Drakmanton?

A. Polite and deferential

B. Serious and formal

C. Light-hearted and playful

D. Argumentative and confrontational

Answer: Argumentative and confrontational (D)

The conversation between Sir James and Lady Drakmanton is tense and argumentative.

26. What is the implication of the story about the social class of the Smithly Dubbs?

A. They are members of the middle class trying to fit in with the affluent

B. They are members of the upper class who are used to luxury and extravagance

C. They are members of the working class trying to make a name for themselves

D. They are members of the lower class trying to rise in society

Answer: They are members of the upper class who are used to luxury and extravagance (B)

The story implies that the Smithly Dubbs are members of the upper class who are used to luxury and extravagance.

27. What is the author’s purpose in portraying the characters of Sir James and Lady Drakmanton?

A. To highlight the struggle for power and influence in society

B. To satirize the excesses of the upper class

C. To show the importance of social connections in politics

D. To explore the complexities of marriage and relationships

Answer: To satirize the excesses of the upper class (B)

The author is satirizing the excesses of the upper class through the characters of Sir James and Lady Drakmanton.

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