The Lottery Ticket by Anton Chekhov MCQs Quiz | Questions and Answers

18 Min Read

1. What is the main theme of the book ‘The Lottery Ticket’?

 A. The joy of winning a lottery

 B. The power of positive thinking

 C. The importance of family unity

 D. The dangers of daydreaming and greed

Answer: The dangers of daydreaming and greed (D)

The story explores how daydreaming about wealth can lead to conflict and disappointment.

2. What is the amount of money the lottery prize was in ‘The Lottery Ticket’?

 A. $46,000

 B. $75,000

 C. $26,000

 D. $94,990

Answer: $75,000 (B)

The lottery prize was $75,000 in the story.

3. How does Ivan initially react to his wife’s belief that she won the lottery?

 A. He becomes excited and starts planning their future

 B. He accuses her of lying

 C. He immediately checks the numbers again

 D. He ignores her completely

Answer: He becomes excited and starts planning their future (A)

Ivan gets caught up in the excitement and starts fantasizing about their future wealth.

4. What do Ivan and his wife argue about after learning the correct lottery number?

 A. Who should claim the money

 B. Whether to quit their jobs

 C. Where to invest the winnings

 D. How to tell their friends

Answer: Who should claim the money (A)

The argument between Ivan and his wife revolves around who should claim the lottery winnings.

5. How does Ivan’s mood change after finding out the correct lottery number?

 A. He feels indifferent

 B. He plans a big celebration

 C. He gets angry and disappointed

 D. He becomes overjoyed

Answer: He gets angry and disappointed (C)

Ivan’s mood shifts to anger and disappointment when they realize they didn’t win.

6. Based on ‘The Lottery Ticket’, what lesson can be learned from Ivan and his wife’s experience?

 A. Daydreaming about wealth can lead to strife and unhappiness

 B. ‘The Lottery Ticket’ is a true story

 C. It’s important to always double-check lottery numbers

 D. Lottery tickets are not worth buying

Answer: Daydreaming about wealth can lead to strife and unhappiness (A)

‘The Lottery Ticket’ illustrates how focusing on imagined wealth can bring conflict and disappointment.

7. What did Ivan and his wife dream of spending the lottery prize money on?

 A. An estate in Tula or Oryol provinces

 B. Donating it all to charity

 C. A new car and a yacht

 D. Investing in a business venture

Answer: An estate in Tula or Oryol provinces (A)

Ivan and his wife fantasized about buying an estate in the Tula or Oryol provinces with the prize money.

8. How did the possibility of winning the lottery affect Ivan and his wife emotionally?

 A. It made them anxious and worried

 B. It made them indifferent and uninterested

 C. It bewildered them and filled them with anticipation

 D. It made them sad and regretful

Answer: It bewildered them and filled them with anticipation (C)

The thought of winning the lottery bewildered Ivan and his wife, filling them with anticipation and excitement.

9. What did Ivan imagine doing with the forty thousand if they won the lottery?

 A. Putting it into the bank for interest

 B. Investing in stocks

 C. Donating it to a local charity

 D. Traveling the world

Answer: Putting it into the bank for interest (A)

Ivan dreamed of putting forty thousand in the bank to collect interest if they won the lottery.

10. How did Ivan visualize his life if he won the lottery?

 A. Becoming a world-renowned traveler

 B. Living a serene and healthy life on an estate

 C. Starting a new business

 D. Entering politics

Answer: Living a serene and healthy life on an estate (B)

Ivan pictured himself living a serene and healthy life on an estate if he won the lottery.

11. What was one of the first things Ivan wanted to buy if they won the lottery?

 A. An estate in Tula or Oryol provinces

 B. Expensive jewelry

 C. Designer clothes

 D. A luxury car

Answer: An estate in Tula or Oryol provinces (A)

One of the first things Ivan wanted to buy was an estate in the Tula or Oryol provinces if they won the lottery.

12. How did Ivan’s wife react to the idea of buying an estate with the lottery money?

 A. She thought it was a waste of money

 B. She was indifferent and didn’t care

 C. She liked the idea and was enchanted by her thoughts

 D. She disagreed and wanted to travel instead

Answer: She liked the idea and was enchanted by her thoughts (C)

Ivan’s wife liked the idea and was enchanted by her thoughts of buying an estate with the lottery money.

13. Why did Ivan consider real property as an investment if they won the lottery?

 A. To show off his wealth to others

 B. To have a source of income for the future

 C. To make a profit by reselling it later

 D. Out of necessity

Answer: To have a source of income for the future (B)

Ivan considered real property as an investment to have a source of income for the future if they won the lottery.

14. What did Ivan imagine doing after taking longer walks in autumn beside the river?

 A. Drinking tea with cream and milk rolls

 B. Going to visit friends in the city

 C. Beginning a new exercise routine

 D. Going to bed early every night

Answer: Drinking tea with cream and milk rolls (A)

After taking longer walks beside the river, Ivan imagined drinking tea with cream and milk rolls in autumn.

15. What did Ivan dream of enjoying after bathing in the water?

 A. A glass of vodka with salted mushroom or soused cucumber

 B. Tea with cream and milk rolls

 C. Taking a long nap

 D. Going fishing in the river

Answer: A glass of vodka with salted mushroom or soused cucumber (A)

After bathing in the water, Ivan dreamed of enjoying a big glass of vodka with a salted mushroom or soused cucumber.

16. What does Ivan dream of doing after taking leisurely walks around his estate?

 A. Going to the local theater every evening

 B. Reading illustrated magazines or taking a nap

 C. Having dinner with friends every night

 D. Starting a new hobby like painting

Answer: Reading illustrated magazines or taking a nap (B)

After taking leisurely walks around his estate, Ivan dreams of either reading illustrated magazines or taking a nap.

17. What did Ivan’s wife ask him to look for in the newspaper?

 A. The list of lottery winners

 B. The sports scores

 C. The weather forecast

 D. The stock market report

Answer: The list of lottery winners (A)

Ivan’s wife asked him to look for the list of lottery drawings in the newspaper.

18. Why did Ivan initially not want to check the lottery numbers?

 A. He was too busy with other tasks

 B. He couldn’t find the newspaper

 C. He thought their ticket had expired

 D. He didn’t believe in lottery luck

Answer: He didn’t believe in lottery luck (D)

The text states that Ivan Dmitritch had no faith in lottery luck, implying he didn’t believe in checking the numbers.

19. What was the series number of Ivan’s wife’s lottery ticket?

 A. 9,499

 B. 499

 C. 26

 D. 9,526

Answer: 9,499 (A)

Ivan’s wife stated that the series number of her lottery ticket was 9,499.

20. How did Ivan react when he saw the series 9,499 in the list of winners?

 A. He felt a chill and tingling sensation

 B. He immediately started celebrating

 C. He showed no reaction

 D. He remained skeptical

Answer: He felt a chill and tingling sensation (A)

The text describes Ivan feeling ‘an agreeable chill in the pit of the stomach; tingling and terrible and sweet’ when he saw the winning number.

21. What did Ivan fail to check initially?

 A. The specific number of his wife’s ticket

 B. The date the lottery numbers were drawn

 C. Whether his wife had renewed the ticket

 D. If the newspaper was current

Answer: The specific number of his wife’s ticket (A)

Ivan saw the series number 9,499 but did not initially check the specific number of his wife’s ticket.

22. How did Ivan’s wife react when he told her the series number was a winner?

 A. She turned pale

 B. She jumped for joy

 C. She didn’t believe him

 D. She remained calm

Answer: She turned pale (A)

The text states that when Ivan told his wife the series number was there, ‘she turned pale’.

23. What phrase is used to describe Ivan’s initial skepticism about winning the lottery?

 A. Mistrust of gambling

 B. Denial of fortune

 C. Disbelief in chance

 D. Lack of faith in lottery luck

Answer: Lack of faith in lottery luck (D)

The text states that ‘Ivan Dmitritch had no faith in lottery luck’, describing his skepticism.

24. What did Ivan drop when he saw the winning number?

 A. The newspaper

 B. The lottery ticket

 C. His glasses

 D. Nothing is mentioned

Answer: The newspaper (A)

The text says ‘he hurriedly dropped the paper on his knees’ when he saw the winning number.

25. What did Ivan’s wife do just before realizing they may have won?

 A. She cleared the table

 B. She started celebrating

 C. She dropped a tablecloth

 D. She checked the ticket again

Answer: She dropped a tablecloth (C)

Right before realizing the winning number, the text states Ivan’s wife ‘dropped the folded tablecloth on the table’.

26. How is Ivan’s reaction to potentially winning described?

 A. Astonished and panic-stricken

 B. Joyful and excited

 C. Calm and collected

 D. Doubtful and uncertain

Answer: Astonished and panic-stricken (A)

The text describes Ivan’s reaction as ‘astonished and panic-stricken’ when he saw the potential winning number.

27. What does Ivan imagine when considering his wife traveling abroad?

 A. She would fully appreciate the opportunity to travel

 B. She would enjoy exploring new cultures and sights

 C. She would constantly complain and worry about expenses

 D. She would embrace the freedom and live in the moment

Answer: She would constantly complain and worry about expenses (C)

Ivan imagines his wife would be preoccupied with worrying about money and complaining, rather than enjoying the travel experience.

28. How does Ivan’s perception of his wife change after considering the lottery winnings?

 A. He recognizes her as a wise and prudent financial manager

 B. He sees her as a caring and supportive partner

 C. He appreciates her practical and grounded nature

 D. He views her as a burden and obstacle to his desires

Answer: He views her as a burden and obstacle to his desires (D)

Ivan’s attitude towards his wife becomes negative, seeing her as a hindrance to his dreams and desires if they were to win the lottery.

29. What does Ivan think about his wife’s potential reaction to winning the lottery?

 A. She would donate a significant portion to charity

 B. She would generously share the winnings with him

 C. She would selfishly keep most of the money for herself

 D. She would invest the money wisely for their future

Answer: She would selfishly keep most of the money for herself (C)

Ivan believes that if his wife won the lottery, she would be stingy and give him only a small portion, keeping the rest for herself.

30. How does Ivan view his wife’s relatives in light of the potential lottery winnings?

 A. As disinterested and indifferent to their situation

 B. As trustworthy and reliable confidants

 C. As supportive and caring family members

 D. As greedy and opportunistic individuals

Answer: As greedy and opportunistic individuals (D)

Ivan sees his wife’s relatives in a negative light, perceiving them as selfish and likely to take advantage of any lottery winnings.

31. What does the passage suggest about Ivan’s attitude towards money?

 A. He values financial security and prudent spending

 B. He prioritizes charitable giving and helping others

 C. He is content with his current financial situation

 D. He desires freedom and the ability to indulge himself

Answer: He desires freedom and the ability to indulge himself (D)

Ivan’s thoughts about traveling and enjoying himself without his wife’s constraints suggest he desires the freedom that money could provide.

32. How does the passage describe the weather at the beginning?

 A. Calm and pleasant, ideal for outdoor activities

 B. Sunny and warm, typical of summer

 C. Windy and chilly, foreshadowing autumn

 D. Rainy and gloomy, a change from summer

Answer: Rainy and gloomy, a change from summer (D)

The passage states that after summer, the weather becomes ‘cloudy, gloomy’ with rain ‘day and night,’ indicating a change to dreary conditions.

33. What does Ivan initially consider doing in response to the gloomy weather?

 A. Embracing the rainy weather and going for walks

 B. Traveling abroad to a warmer, sunnier location

 C. Staying indoors and waiting for it to pass

 D. Finding indoor activities to occupy his time

Answer: Traveling abroad to a warmer, sunnier location (B)

When faced with the dreary weather, Ivan’s first thought is to ‘go abroad somewhere to the South of France…to Italy…to India.’

34. What does the passage suggest about Ivan’s relationship with his wife?

 A. They have a passionate and exciting marriage

 B. They have grown distant and resentful

 C. They have a deep and loving connection

 D. They maintain a respectful and cordial relationship

Answer: They have grown distant and resentful (B)

The passage depicts Ivan and his wife harboring negative feelings and resentment towards each other, suggesting their relationship has become strained.

35. What does the passage imply about Ivan’s perception of his own age?

 A. He sees himself as old and past his prime

 B. He views himself as middle-aged and settled

 C. He considers himself young and vibrant

 D. He feels indifferent about his age

Answer: He considers himself young and vibrant (C)

The passage states that Ivan sees himself as ‘still young, fresh, and healthy,’ implying he perceives himself as youthful and vibrant.

36. What does the passage suggest about the nature of Ivan’s thoughts regarding the lottery?

 A. They are practical and grounded in reality

 B. They are focused on the potential financial gain

 C. They are fanciful and divorced from reality

 D. They are fleeting and inconsequential

Answer: They are fanciful and divorced from reality (C)

Ivan’s thoughts about traveling and spending the lottery winnings are described as ‘daydreams,’ suggesting they are unrealistic and disconnected from his actual circumstances.

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