Heat and Dust by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala MCQs Quiz | Questions and Answers

12 Min Read

1. Who offers to perform an abortion for the narrator?

 A. Nawab

 B. Maji

 C. Olivia

 D. Douglas

Answer: Maji (B)

Maji offers to perform an abortion to save the narrator from shame.

2. Why does Olivia not return to Douglas after the hospital?

 A. She wants to go into the mountains

 B. She becomes ill

 C. She decides to stay in India

 D. She elopes with the Nawam

Answer: She elopes with the Nawam (D)

Olivia does not return to Douglas after the hospital as she elopes with the Nawam and is never seen again.

3. Where does the narrator decide to go following Olivia’s footsteps?

 A. Ashram

 B. London

 C. Palace

 D. Mountains

Answer: Mountains (D)

The narrator decides to go into the mountains following Olivia’s footsteps.

4. Why did the narrator refuse the offer of an abortion?

 A. She feared the shame

 B. She was in denial about the pregnancy

 C. She thought it was morally wrong

 D. She wanted to keep the child

Answer: She wanted to keep the child (D)

The narrator refused the offer of an abortion as she wanted to keep the child.

5. What led to Olivia fleeing to the palace instead of returning to Douglas?

 A. Induced miscarriage

 B. Pressure from Maji

 C. Illness

 D. Falling in love with Nawam

Answer: Induced miscarriage (A)

Olivia fleeing to the palace instead of returning to Douglas was due to a miscarriage induced by local medicine.

6. Where did the Nawam eventually leave Olivia behind to spend time?

 A. Mountains alone

 B. Palace with Maji

 C. London with Harry

 D. Ashram in X

Answer: London with Harry (C)

The Nawam eventually left Olivia behind to spend time in London with Harry.

7. What made the narrator choose to stay in India?

 A. ‘Heat and Dust’ film adaptation

 B. ‘X’ town’s allure

 C. Pressure from Douglas

 D. Following in Olivia’s footsteps

Answer: Following in Olivia’s footsteps (D)

The narrator chose to stay in India as it was the only way to follow in Olivia’s footsteps.

8. What did the British doctor know about Olivia’s miscarriage?

 A. ‘A Room With A View’

 B. ‘Howard’s End’

 C. It was natural

 D. ‘X’ town’s traditions

Answer: It was natural (C)

The British doctor knew that Olivia’s miscarriage was induced and not natural.

9. Who eloped and was never seen again in the story?

 A. Olivia and Nawam

 B. ‘A Room With A View’ characters

 C. ‘Howard’s End’ characters

 D. ‘Heat and Dust’ author and Douglas

Answer: Olivia and Nawam (A)

In the story, Olivia and Nawam eloped and were never seen again.

10. Which film production company produced the film adaptation of ‘Heat and Dust’?

 A. Warner Bros.

 B. Disney

 C. Paramount Pictures

 D. Merchant Ivory

Answer: Merchant Ivory (D)

The film adaptation of ‘Heat and Dust’ was produced by Merchant Ivory, known for their period dramas.

11. What prestigious award did the novel ‘Heat and Dust’ by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala win in 1975?

 A. Man Booker Prize

 B. National Book Award

 C. Nobel Prize in Literature

 D. Pulitzer Prize

Answer: Man Booker Prize (A)

The novel ‘Heat and Dust’ won the Man Booker Prize in 1975.

12. In what era and setting does the part of the story set in the 1920s take place?

 A. British Raj in India

 B. Feudal Japan

 C. Ancient Rome

 D. Victorian England

Answer: British Raj in India (A)

The story set in the 1920s takes place during the British Raj in India.

13. Who was Olivia’s husband in the 1920s timeline of the novel ‘Heat and Dust’?

 A. Nawab

 B. Douglas

 C. Henry

 D. Tessie

Answer: Douglas (B)

Olivia’s husband in the 1920s timeline was Douglas.

14. What significant change does Olivia make after moving to India with her husband?

 A. Teaching at a local school

 B. Starting a business

 C. Eloping with the Nawab

 D. Becoming a nun

Answer: Eloping with the Nawab (C)

After moving to India with her husband, Olivia elopes with the Nawab.

15. Why does the narrator travel to India in the modern-day setting of the novel ‘Heat and Dust’?

 A. To start a new life

 B. To escape their past

 C. To learn more about Olivia, her grandfather’s first wife

 D. To conduct research for a book

Answer: To learn more about Olivia, her grandfather’s first wife (C)

The narrator travels to India to find out more about Olivia, her grandfather’s first wife.

16. In which city does the narrator first arrive in India in the 1970s setting of ‘Heat and Dust’?

 A. Chennai

 B. Delhi

 C. Bombay

 D. Kolkata

Answer: Bombay (C)

The narrator first arrives in Bombay, India.

17. What is the occupation of the woman who talks to the narrator about India’s ‘downfall’ while staying at a hostel?

 A. Historian

 B. ‘Downfall’ analyst

 C. Long-term traveler

 D. ‘Downfall’ denier

Answer: Long-term traveler (C)

The woman who speaks to the narrator about India’s ‘downfall’ is someone who has lived in the country for thirty years.

18. What is the outcome when the narrator visits Olivia’s old house in Satipur?

 A. ‘Fairy tale’ – it is preserved as a historic site

 B. ‘Mystery’ – it is abandoned and crumbling

 C. ‘Dead end’ – it is a government building now

 D. ‘Miracle’ – Olivia’s family still resides there

Answer: ‘Dead end’ – it is a government building now (C)

When the narrator visits Olivia’s old house, it is a dead end as it is now a government building.

19. What popular literary award did Ruth Prawer Jhabvala win for her novel ‘Heat and Dust’?

 A. Nobel Prize in Literature

 B. National Book Award

 C. Pulitzer Prize

 D. Man Booker Prize

Answer: Man Booker Prize (D)

Ruth Prawer Jhabvala won the Man Booker Prize for her novel ‘Heat and Dust’.

20. Who does Olivia meet at the Nawab’s palace and bond with over their dislike of British officials?

 A. Chid

 B. Inder Lal

 C. Ritu

 D. Harry

Answer: Harry (D)

Olivia meets Harry at the Nawab’s palace and they bond over their shared dislike of British officials.

21. What is the name of the mentally ill woman the Nawab is married to?

 A. Olivia

 B. Sandy

 C. Maji

 D. Ritu

Answer: Sandy (B)

The Nawab is married to a mentally ill woman called Sandy.

22. What method is used to try and exorcise Ritu when her condition worsens?

 A. Praying for her

 B. Taking her to a doctor

 C. Ignoring her condition

 D. Poking her with a hot iron

Answer: Poking her with a hot iron (D)

The family tries to exorcise Ritu by poking her with a hot iron, which the narrator disapproves of.

23. What leads Chid to suddenly reject his holy lifestyle and despise everything to do with India?

 A. His doctor’s diagnosis

 B. The festival at Baba Firdau

 C. His spiritual journey

 D. Being materialistic and obsessed with sex

Answer: His doctor’s diagnosis (A)

Chid rejects his holy lifestyle and despises everything to do with India after being gravely ill and being told by his doctor that he cannot leave.

24. What annoys the British officials and their wives about the Nawab?

 A. His involvement in criminal activity

 B. His kindness towards Olivia

 C. His wealth and power

 D. His close friendship with Harry

Answer: His involvement in criminal activity (A)

The British officials and their wives are critical of the Nawab, suspecting that he is involved in criminal activity.

25. In what location does Olivia start an affair with Inder Dal?

 A. Nawab’s palace

 B. Khatm

 C. Baba Firdau

 D. Stiput

Answer: Baba Firdau (C)

The narrator goes to Baba Firdau with Inder Dal and starts an affair with him.

26. Who does Olivia want to start a family with?

 A. Inder Lal

 B. Chid

 C. Harry

 D. The Nawab

Answer: The Nawab (D)

Olivia is torn between her husband and the Nawab, whom she desires to start a family with.

27. What do the people of Satipur think of Chid before his true nature is revealed?

 A. He is a spiritual guru on a holy journey

 B. He is a humble and kind-hearted man

 C. He is materialistic, greedy, and obsessed with sex

 D. He has healing powers like Maji

Answer: He is a spiritual guru on a holy journey (A)

While the people of Satipur are willing to see Chid as a holy man, his true nature is later revealed.

28. What causes Ritu’s condition to worsen and leads to the attempt of exorcism?

 A. A disagreement with Inder Lal

 B. The refusal of Douglas to visit the palace

 C. The screaming during sleep and subsequent lockdown

 D. The death of Chid’s friend

Answer: The screaming during sleep and subsequent lockdown (C)

Ritu’s condition worsens due to screaming during sleep, which leads to her being locked up in the house.

29. What surprises Olivia about Sandy, the Nawab’s wife?

 A. Sandy’s close relationship with Olivia

 B. Sandy’s intelligence and wit

 C. Sandy’s mental illness

 D. Sandy’s beauty and charm

Answer: Sandy’s mental illness (C)

Olivia is surprised to learn that Sandy, the Nawab’s wife, is mentally ill.

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