Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov MCQs Quiz | Questions and Answers

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1. What did the professor and Bormenthal order Sharikov to do?

 A. Join the government

 B. Leave the flat permanently

 C. Adopt a cat

 D. Turn into a bird

Answer: Leave the flat permanently (B)

The professor and Bormenthal ordered Sharikov to leave the flat permanently.

2. What did Sharikov do when asked to leave the flat?

 A. Became invisible

 B. Refused and drew a revolver

 C. Packed his bags immediately

 D. Left obediently

Answer: Refused and drew a revolver (B)

Sharikov refused to leave and drew a revolver when asked to leave the flat.

3. Why were the lights left on in the flat for many hours after bedtime?

 A. To save electricity

 B. Due to an electrical malfunction

 C. Because of an ominous silence

 D. To welcome guests

Answer: Because of an ominous silence (C)

The lights were left on in the flat for many hours after bedtime due to an ominous silence.

4. How did the professor and Bormenthal appear after Sharikov’s arrival?

 A. Far more relaxed

 B. Angry and frustrated

 C. Indifferent and uncaring

 D. Stressed and anxious

Answer: Far more relaxed (A)

After Sharikov’s arrival, the professor and Bormenthal appeared far more relaxed.

5. Who arrived with the police bearing a search warrant?

 A. Schwonder

 B. Bormenthal

 C. Sharikov

 D. The professor

Answer: Schwonder (A)

Schwonder arrived with the police bearing a search warrant.

6. What did the professor claim about Sharikov’s change back into a dog?

 A. A natural phenomenon

 B. An alien intervention

 C. A technological experiment

 D. A supernatural occurrence

Answer: A natural phenomenon (A)

The professor claimed that Sharikov changing back into a dog was a natural phenomenon.

7. What did Sharik resume being after the police departure?

 A. **Wild** dog

 B. **Hungry** dog

 C. **Stray** dog

 D. **Gentleman’s** dog

Answer: **Gentleman’s** dog (D)

After the police departure, Sharik resumed being a gentleman’s dog.

8. What was the initial operation performed on Sharik?

 A. He was given a human pituitary gland and testicles

 B. He was given a dog’s brain and organs

 C. He was turned into a complete human being

 D. He underwent a cosmetic procedure

Answer: He was given a human pituitary gland and testicles (A)

The text mentions that Sharik was given a human pituitary gland and testicles during the operation.

9. Where did the human organs used in Sharik’s operation come from?

 A. From a deceased soldier

 B. From a deceased member of the nobility

 C. From a deceased genius

 D. From a deceased thief and alcoholic

Answer: From a deceased thief and alcoholic (D)

The text states that the organs were cut from Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin, who was repeatedly a thief, an alcoholic and a bully.

10. What was Sharik’s new name after the operation?

 A. Pyotr Alexandrovich

 B. Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov

 C. Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin

 D. Filip Sharik

Answer: Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov (B)

The text mentions that Sharik picked the name ‘Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov’ after the operation.

11. How did Sharikov behave after the operation?

 A. He became a genius and started writing poetry

 B. He became well-mannered and polite

 C. He remained the same as before

 D. He became rude, unkempt, and disrespectful

Answer: He became rude, unkempt, and disrespectful (D)

The text describes Sharikov as mocking manners, cursing in front of women, refusing to shave, dressing in unwashed clothing, and eating like a slob.

12. What job did Sharikov get from the Soviet government?

 A. Working as a secret police officer

 B. Working as a professor’s assistant

 C. Working in a printing press

 D. Catching and strangling stray cats

Answer: Catching and strangling stray cats (D)

The text mentions that Sharikov got a job from the Soviet government catching and strangling stray cats to make fur coats for the working class.

13. What did Bormenthal suggest as a solution for dealing with Sharikov?

 A. Allowing Sharikov to continue living with them

 B. Redoing the operation with a genius’s body

 C. Sending Sharikov to a rehabilitation center

 D. Dosing and killing Sharikov with arsenic

Answer: Dosing and killing Sharikov with arsenic (D)

The text states that Bormenthal begged the professor for permission to dose and kill Sharikov with arsenic.

14. How did the professor justify not redoing the operation on Sharikov?

 A. He believed that any peasant woman could give birth to a genius

 B. He was afraid of the consequences of another operation

 C. He believed that Sharikov’s condition was irreversible

 D. He wanted to continue studying Sharikov’s behavior

Answer: He believed that any peasant woman could give birth to a genius (A)

The text mentions that the professor admitted that any peasant woman could give birth to a genius, and therefore, eugenics were a waste of time.

15. What did Sharikov do to the professor’s apartment?

 A. He flooded it by leaving the water running

 B. He set it on fire

 C. He stole valuable items from the apartment

 D. He destroyed all the furniture

Answer: He flooded it by leaving the water running (A)

The text states that Sharikov accidentally turned on the spigot while chasing a cat, and with the bathroom door locked, the entire apartment was flooded.

16. How did the professor explain Sharikov’s behavior to the woman Sharikov brought home?

 A. He told her that Sharikov was a genius with eccentric behavior

 B. He told her that Sharikov was a former soldier

 C. He did not explain anything to her

 D. He told her that Sharikov was a product of a lab experiment gone wrong

Answer: He told her that Sharikov was a product of a lab experiment gone wrong (D)

The text mentions that the professor took the woman aside and explained that Sharikov was the product of a lab experiment gone horribly wrong.

17. What did Sharikov do after the woman left the apartment?

 A. He apologized to the professor

 B. He attacked the professor physically

 C. He vowed to have the woman fired from her job

 D. He left the apartment and never returned

Answer: He vowed to have the woman fired from her job (C)

The text states that after the woman left in tears, Sharikov vowed to have her fired from her job.

18. What was the name given to the stray dog by Dr. Preobrazhensky?

 A. Sharik

 B. Bormenthal

 C. Filipp

 D. Prokofievna

Answer: Sharik (A)

The text states that Dr. Preobrazhensky gave the stray dog the name Sharik, which means ‘little ball’ in Russian.

19. Why did Dr. Preobrazhensky refuse to decrease the size of his flat?

 A. He was a vocal anti-communist

 B. He needed the space for his laboratory

 C. He held the Bolsheviks in high regard

 D. He frequently treated the RCP(b) leadership

Answer: He frequently treated the RCP(b) leadership (D)

The text mentions that despite Dr. Preobrazhensky’s vocal anti-communism, his frequent medical treatment of the RCP(b) leadership made him untouchable, allowing him to keep his seven-room flat.

20. Who were the two female servants in Dr. Preobrazhensky’s household?

 A. Sharik and Zinaida Prokofievna

 B. Filipp Filippovich and Ivan Arnoldovich

 C. Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina and Darya Petrovna Ivanova

 D. Schwonder and Bormenthal

Answer: Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina and Darya Petrovna Ivanova (C)

The text explicitly states that the two female servants in Dr. Preobrazhensky’s household were Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina and Darya Petrovna Ivanova.

21. What did Dr. Preobrazhensky do to prepare for his real intentions with Sharik?

 A. He locked Sharik in the bathroom

 B. He introduced Sharik to the Bolsheviks

 C. He took Sharik for walks through Moscow

 D. He gave Sharik a new collar

Answer: He locked Sharik in the bathroom (A)

The text mentions that as Dr. Preobrazhensky’s laboratory was being prepared, he locked Sharik in the bathroom, indicating his real intentions for taking in the dog.

22. How did Sharik react when a passing stray taunted him during his walks?

 A. He tried to befriend the stray

 B. He was unmoved by the taunts

 C. He barked aggressively at the stray

 D. He ignored the stray completely

Answer: He was unmoved by the taunts (B)

The text states that when a passing stray taunted Sharik during his walks, he was unmoved by the taunts, preening in his new collar.

23. Who took Sharik for walks through Moscow after he joined Dr. Preobrazhensky’s household?

 A. Dr. Bormenthal

 B. Dr. Preobrazhensky himself

 C. One of the servants

 D. Sharik went for walks on his own

Answer: One of the servants (C)

The text mentions that after several days of being in Dr. Preobrazhensky’s household, one of the servants began taking Sharik for walks through Moscow.

24. How did Sharik feel about the name given to him by Dr. Preobrazhensky?

 A. He was indifferent to the name

 B. He found it ironic

 C. He disliked the name

 D. He loved the name

Answer: He found it ironic (B)

The text states that Sharik found the name given to him by Dr. Preobrazhensky ironic, as he saw it as a name more fit for a pampered fat dog.

25. What was Sharik’s initial reaction when Dr. Preobrazhensky offered him a piece of sausage?

 A. He ignored the sausage

 B. He growled at Dr. Preobrazhensky

 C. He was suspicious

 D. He was overjoyed

Answer: He was overjoyed (D)

The text mentions that when Dr. Preobrazhensky offered the stray dog (later named Sharik) a piece of sausage, the dog was overjoyed and followed him back to his flat.

26. How did Sharik adapt to his new life in Dr. Preobrazhensky’s household?

 A. He slipped easily into the role of a gentleman’s dog

 B. He remained aloof and detached

 C. He became aggressive towards the servants

 D. He struggled to adjust to the new environment

Answer: He slipped easily into the role of a gentleman’s dog (A)

The text states that impressed by his new master, Sharik slipped easily into the role of ‘a gentleman’s dog’ after being taken in by Dr. Preobrazhensky.

27. What was Sharik’s reaction when he was found by the cook and scalded with boiling water?

 A. He awaited his end awash in self-pity

 B. He remained calm and composed

 C. He retaliated aggressively

 D. He ran away in fear

Answer: He awaited his end awash in self-pity (A)

The text mentions that after being scalded with boiling water by the cook, the stray dog (later named Sharik) lay forlorn in a doorway, awaiting his end awash in self-pity.

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